Hello, World!
I’m Karutan!

”Karutan for Karuta players,” a character of the playing cards of competitive karuta, will contribute to the world of karuta with karuta lovers!
History of Karutan
◼️March, 2023
Opened new website (this site)!
Opened author account (@karutan_inside) on Twitter.
◼️February 2023
Provided original goods as a supplementary prize for the 4th Chihayafuru-Ogurayama Cup.
◼️January 2023
Provided original ballpoint pens in “Naniwazuni Cup” held in Tokyo.
◼️August 2010
Sponsored the program for the National High School Karuta Championship.
◼️April 2022
Provided original goods as a supplementary prize for the 3rd Chihayafuru-Ogurayama Cup.
◼️March, 2022
Provided original goods for online student festival project “Zennonsai x Karuta Club.”
◼️January 2022
Sponsored for the Meijin-queen-sen panel.
◼️November 2021
Official website (old one) was opened!
Started 4coma-manga “Karutan Mukashibanashi.”
◼️September 2021
Provided illustrations to Youtube channel “Karuta Club.”
Started “Karuta 4-coma!”
Opened Instagram account at the same time.
◼️May 2020
Sticker 4 released.
Started activities as “Karutan for Karuta players” at the same time as opening Twitter
Decided the character name as “Karutan”.
◼️December 2016
Sticker 3 release
◼️July 2016
Sticker 2 release
◼️February 2016
Line Sticker Release